Feb. 12-18

James 1:2-4, 12-16

This week we pray for:

  • Students to seek God first, to remember God’s goodness and love, to recognize their need for Jesus, and to find him meeting them this week by his Spirit.
  • Monday’s service fair sponsored by the Dornsife Center for Community Engagement. We pray that God would be leading students to meaningful service in the community that forms them for lives of service and blesses them through their relationships with community members.
  • Tuesday night’s lecture by Dale Soden, professor emeritus of history, as he presents a history of race relations at Whitworth as part of Whitworth’s Black History Month observances. We thank God for the many ways that Whitworthians have pursued racial justice and the flourishing of all over the decades, and we pray that God would lead Whitworth to be an increasingly reconciled and reconciling community that trusts and obeys God’s call, regardless of the cost.
  • Wednesday morning’s Ash Wednesday service as we begin the season of Lent together, remembering that we are beloved dust in the eternal hands of our Maker.
  • Winter sport athletes as they near the end of their seasons, spring sport athletes as their competition season begins, and fall sport athletes who are training together; that God would be working on all of the teams to draw these students to Jesus, forming them in wisdom, love, perseverance and hope.
  • Campus worship this week:
    • Chapel community worship on Tuesday and Thursday as faculty, staff and students gather to worship God as we begin exploring our theme for the semester, “Living Faith: Trusting the God of Grace,” from the book of James. We pray for Lauren Taylor, campus pastor for discipleship, as she preaches on Tuesday. We also pray for Thursday’s service as we gather to sing, hear testimony and receive Communion together as the Body of Christ.
    • Tuesday night’s Hosanna service of worship through music, prayer and reflection. We pray that God would meet every student in meaningful ways.
    • Wednesday night’s student-led Awake outreach gathering in the HUB; that God would send workers to this harvest field who long to see others know Jesus.
    • Monday and Friday’s reflective morning prayer services.

Triune God, thank you that you have known human suffering from the inside in Jesus Christ, who “for the joy set before him endured the cross.” Please transform us into the type of people so rooted in your love and goodness that we can find joy in the midst of our suffering. May your light shine through us as we grow in your joy no matter what life brings. Amen.