Jan. 15-21

Philippians 3

We pray for:

  • Justice and flourishing for all people in our country, particularly for those who have been historically marginalized. We pray for racial justice and righteousness to roll down like mighty waters in our nation. We pray with gratitude for those who have sacrificed for things to be more right in our country, including Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many others, and we pray that the Whitworth community near and far could be faithful and obedient in striving for reconciliation and flourishing for all who bear God’s image.
  • Campus Pastor Stephy Nobles-Beans as she provides the keynote address at Spokane’s Unity Rally today. We pray that God strengthens her and uses her to share powerfully the good news of Jesus to all in attendance.
  • God to be drawing every member of the Whitworth community closer to Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit, no matter where they are in their journey of faith.
  • Students and faculty as they complete the last full week of Jan Term classes; for a strong finish for all. We pray that students would grow in wisdom and step further into their vocations of serving God with all of their lives, and we pray for strength for faculty and students to persevere in the challenging rhythm of class for three hours per day.
  • The wonderful Whitworth Board of Trustees as they gather for their annual retreat Thursday through Saturday. We pray with gratitude for these generous and faithful stewards of Whitworth’s mission and ask that God continues to provide unity in Christ, protection, joy, and wisdom for God’s glory and purposes in the world.
  • Jan Term community worship services on Tuesday and Thursday evenings as we gather for a time of student-led music, prayer, testimonies and small groups. We particularly pray for Tuesday’s service that highlights the voice and legacy of Dr. King and the call to live into God’s heart for racial justice in our communities and world.
  • Whitworth’s nascent Doctor of Physical Therapy, Doctor of Occupational Therapy or Master of Science in Athletic Training programs as they train their first two cohorts and continue to recruit for the future. We pray that God would fill and use these programs for his purposes and good work in the world.

Living God, thank you that in Jesus we find our ultimate purpose in life. Lead us to be people who follow Paul’s example by straining on toward the goal of knowing Christ and the power of his resurrection and sharing his light and life with others, in words and deeds. We pray that we, your people, could love what you love and hate what you hate, further living as witnesses to and foretastes of your coming Kingdom by the power of your Spirit. Amen.